We are all getting older, and getting old is the first prerequisite for living a long life ;-) But because physical impairments and ailments are steadily increasing, I have decided to offer catsuits with a split zipper again, i.e. the crotch zipper as Fantastic Rubber has always offered it, and an additional zipper from the neck to the waist on the back for the full suits.
Depending on body size, this zip will be 35cm to max. 50cm long. For reasons of wearing comfort and durability, there should be at least 20cm to 25cm space between the crotch zip and the back zip.
As I said, I am talking about an additional zip on the back, so no shoulder zip and no front zip either.
It may be that Fantastic Rubber will also offer these variants in the future, but that is still written in the stars. The surcharge for this variant is currently 40,-€.
The suit with neck-entry and max. one zip in the crotch will remain the main version of the catsuit. Over the last 10 years, we have helped the collar-entry suit to gain recognition and have taken away the fear of it for many customers.